Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Stable

Welcome! I wanted to provide a bit of a history lesson and hopefully some lessons learned as I begin to rehab two bicycles in my stable.

Our stable at the Frugal household number 6 bicycles.
- 1999 Giant Acapulco hybrid (Henry); which has been my main bicycle for many years
- 2000 Cannondale Adventure 400 (Cyril) outfitted to be a road touring bicycle
- 1995 Cannondale 400 Mountain Bike (no name yet); one of the two bicycles in rehab
- 198? Royce-Unionish folding bicycle (Fred), single speed and in it's second life
- 1972 Raleigh Twenty folder (Oliver); the other rehab project

I'll post pictures of each bicycle shortly and will probably link them to their own page.

As we live in the Tampa Bay area, there are many converted trails available to explore. I hope to provide some detail and experiences as we tour along. I hope to provide anyone who lands on this blog some information that will assist them getting out and exploring along at 12 mph.

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